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联系人:郭经理 先生 (经理)
电 话:0317-8199055
手 机:15831899946




    端面镗铣床特点:the characteristics of face boring and milling machine

  1.工作台进给及铣头上下进给均采变频调速,工件可沿工作台长向铣削,也可由铣头上下铣削;Worktable feed and milling head (up and down)feed adopt frequency Control ,This machine can solve workpiece facade machining and the length overtical machining.


  The milling head install the internal flywheel, in order to increase the cutting stability. Milling head internal gear adopts 20 cr carburizing and quenching, and get though gear grinding process, Gear has a good wear resistance and impact resistance performance

  3. 铣头采用了独立润滑泵润滑,各导轨采用手动润滑泵润滑,各走刀箱采用浸油润滑。Milling head has adopted independent lubrication pump to lubricate, every guide uses the manual lubrication pump to lubricate, the feed- box adopts oil lubrication


  The user can substitute milling head for boring and milling head according to the user's request,make the machine l with the functions of boring

郭经理 先生 (经理)  
电  话: 0317-8199055
传  真: 0317-8197709
移动电话: 15831899946
公司地址: 中国河北泊头市河北省泊头市洼里王镇郭屯村
邮  编: 062150
公司主页: http://btxundajc88.qy6.com.cn(加入收藏)

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泊头市迅达机床平台量具有限公司 公司地址:中国河北泊头市河北省泊头市洼里王镇郭屯村
郭经理 先生 (经理) 电话:0317-8199055 传真:0317-8197709
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